21 sausio, 2010 – 22:38
Pagaliau sulaukėme ir vėl šiokio tokio judėjimo Skype Linux versijoje. Išleista atnaujinimas senąjai Skype Linux 2.1 Beta 1 versijai. Šioje versijoje ištaisyta begalės klaidų, Skype tapo stabilesnė ir pagaliau geriau palaikys UI stilius, „screen sharing“ funkciją. Šiame leidime Skype taip pat leis cituoti žinutes iš Skype pokalbių, pranešti apie piktnaudžiavimą Skype paslaugomis. Jūs jau galite skaityti ilgus prisistatymo tekstus, rodomus kontaktų autorizacijos prašymuose, naudotis žymiai spartesniais tekstiniais pokalbiais ir žymiai geresne garso kokybe.
Pagrindinės naujos Skype 2.1 funkcijos
- Dalinimasis ekranu (ekrano vaizdo rodymas ir pagalba per jį, kaip VNC).
- Žinučių citavimas pokalbiuose.
- Lokalizuotas datos atvaizdavimas.
- UI stilių palaikymas.
- Piktnaudžiavimo Skype pranešimo galimybė.
Pakeitimų sąrašas anglų k.
- feature: Screen sharing.
- feature: Report abuse.
- feature: Support for UI styles.
- feature: Possibility to quote a message.
- feature: Localized time formats.
- improvement: Instant Messaging performance improvements.
- improvement: Possibility to add more email addresses to profile.
- improvement: Load all historical group conversations into event history.
- improvement: PulseAudio: Possibility to choose different audio device for ringing and notifications.
- improvement: A message is displayed when the user tries to add contacts that already are his/her buddies.
- improvement: Incoming contact request dialog.
- bugfix: Crashes when an Instant Message is out of order.
- bugfix: Skype crashed after turning on animated emoticons.
- bugfix: Pressing F6 at login screen makes Skype to crash.
- bugfix: Skype crashes when trying to send a SMS to some invalid numbers.
- bugfix: Skype crashes when clicking on an invalid Skype Name link, ie. „22”.
- bugfix: Skype crashes when using cancel button in „add SMS Members” window and then pushing „Add” again.
- bugfix: Crashes when clicking on popup event after logged out from Skype.
- bugfix: Crashes when calling conference call with auto send video and privacy set to „nobody”.
- bugfix: Using „CLEAR CALLHISTORY ALL” API call will cause a crash.
- bugfix: HTML injections on profile’s Home Page.
- bugfix: Local time timezone has no longer an invalid value.
- bugfix: s/old/new/ command is not escaped.
- bugfix: Editing a message will not change the timestamp of the message. The edited timestamp is displayed in the tooltip of the pencil icon.
- bugfix: A group conversation stays bookmarked when left.
- bugfix: Misordered day dividers are handled properly.
- bugfix: Instant Message search settings are not working and saved.
- bugfix: Day separator in conversations was not behaving well.
- bugfix: In some cases the Instant Message disappears until the next IM arrives.
- bugfix: Wrong message displayed when adding a group conversation picture.
- bugfix: Do not select all text when editing a message.
- bugfix: Newly bookmarked conversation now work well with quickfilter.
- bugfix: Bookmarked IM’s don’t appear in contact list if done via history for never opened IM’s.
- bugfix: With QT 4.5.x contact groups get collapsed after a while.
- bugfix: Option dialog resizes to fit the text.
- bugfix: Voicemail recording/resetting works better.
- bugfix: Selecting second camera to won’t work unless Apply is clicked.
- bugfix: Under SMS options the „My mobile phone number..” is always greyed out.
- bugfix: Escape key now exits fullscreen on a video call and when testing video in Video options.
- bugfix: Escape key doesn’t close „options” window.
- bugfix: No ringing sound on default Alsa device.
- bugfix: PulseAudio: AGC works better and does not put volume to 0.
- bugfix: PulseAudio: Sounds cut-off at the end and perhaps PA sound stuttering.
- bugfix: SMS character counter do not work correctly when adding emoticons.
- bugfix: Minor improvements for displaying error message when searching/adding existed contacts.
- bugfix: Add a Skype Contact window grows when switching back from Add a Phone Number Contact.
- bugfix: API: OPEN IM sends message instead of adding it to input area.
- bugfix: Calling without enough credit shows as a dropped call.
- bugfix: Close change password dialog when pressing escape.
- bugfix: Declining multiple file sendings doesn’t work.
- l10n: New in bundled languages: Ukrainian – Oleh Nykyforchyn.
- l10n: Back in bundled languages: European Portuguese – Francisco Miguel Ferreira, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Thai.
- l10n: Updated languages: Bulgarian – Nikolay Filipov & Nikolina Filipova, German – Claudius Henrichs, Estonian – Marit Mesipuu, French – Cédric Lamouche, Italian – Marco Cimmino, Lithuanian – Viktoras Kriukovas, Polish – Karol Szastok, Brazilian Portuguese – Fabio Roselet, Romanian – Péter Henning & Mónika Iancu, Russian – Pavel Shevchuk, Turkish – Ömer Emin Dede.
- l10n: Countries and languages were not correctly translated under Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Chinese Simplified and Traditional.
Ši versija dar nėra galutinė ir naudojantis ja jūs turite suprasti, jog šioje versijoje dar yra klaidų ir ji nėra išbaigta.
Pilnas pakeitimų sąrašas su ištaisytom klaidom.