Išleista Linux Kernel 2.6.27
11 spalio, 2008 – 18:34 Šioje versijoje įtraukta ath9k bevielių tinklų adapterio tvarkyklės, gspca tvarkyklė, kuri stipriai išplės palaikomų Web kamerų ratą, naujas funkcijų sekimo „framework“, „memory-mapped“ IO sekimo įrankis, kuris pagerins klaidų ieškojimą, atidėto paskyrimo (spartos pagerinimas) Ext4 failų sistemoje palaikymas, UBIFS (nauja failų sistema, sukurta „flash“ atmintinėm) palaikymas.
Taip pat pastebėsite papildomus Ext4 patobulinimus ir dar daug kitų patobulinimų.
Linus Torvalds apie Linux 2.6.27:
„The whole point of a release is that it should be something reasonably stable. Stable enough so that people can take that release and use it as a base for the stable tree, which in turn tends to be a base for most Linux distributions. It doesn’t have to be perfect (and obviously no release ever is), but it needs to be in reasonable shape.“
„So what makes a release anti-climactic is that from a development standpoint – at least as far as I’m concerned – it is inevitably at the end of a gradual slowing down of interest. So to me a release is not so much of a birth of a new kernel version, it’s more of a laying-to-rest of an old one. It’s also an end to a fairly quiet period.“
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Linux 2.6.27 patch.
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